(IntegrityPress.org) – The legacy apparatus that many would say could once only be counted on to throw softball questions at President Joe Biden seems to be running an increasing number of stories that cast his Presidency in a negative light.
In what appears to be a relatively short period of time, mainstream outlets have gone from reporting about their Commander-in-Chief’s ice cream selection to pointing out that he appears to be responsible for an economic freefall.
Politico is reporting that the President’s policy of “Bidenomics” may have been “a serious misstep.” According to the outlet, many of Biden’s top allies have voiced a number of concerns about his Reaganesque choice of words. Democratic legislators appear increasingly worried about his decision to focus on the economy.
According to the report, that decision shone a needless spotlight onto what was already a negative issue for many voters. Polling data shows that Americans are not buying the administration’s economic vision and Democrats who have to face their constituencies in the next election cycle are well aware of this fact, according to Politico.
The outlet says that Biden’s narrative has not made “a dent” in the public’s perception of the matter. Many are beginning to question why the administration seems intent on running their 2024 campaign based on a series of fledgling economic statistics.
Part of the President’s plan featured a lengthy and heavily-memed economic whiteboard presentation on Bidenomics via the White House Twitter account. When it was posted in late August, users quickly tore apart both the policies and statistics that were promoted in it.
It was also noted that nearly every image and number that was added to the board had been digitally rendered in the post-edit, with President Biden not doing much more than adding a few checkmarks while he appeared to read from a script.
Polling data released by ABC on September 23 showed Biden trailing former President Trump by nine points.
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