Trans Cyclist Places First in Women’s Race – Here’s the Catch

( – The latest instance of men appearing to take over women’s sporting events was in full bloom at an October 7 cycling event in the Windy City. To the chagrin of many, it was only one example among several in the world of competitive racing in which a biological man dominates his female counterparts.

Following the competition in Chicago, a 25-year-old male who goes by the name of Tessa Johnson could be seen towering above his opponents as they all stood on the awards podium. Two separate but similar biking events were held that day, and Johnson won them both.

In the second event, Johnson was joined on the platform by another man who had taken second place. A 30-year-old male who calls himself Evelyn Williamson took silver. The transgender duo were joined on the podium by only one actual woman who happened to take third place.

Johnson’s and Williamson’s placements were quickly met with collective outrage. According to one outlet, Williamson has accumulated 18 victories in the world of female cycling since first entering into battle with women six years ago. That same outlet noted that Williamson has never placed when he has chosen to compete against his fellow men.

USA Cycling, the governing body that sets nationwide racing policy, allows “non-elite” competitors to “self-select” their desired gender prior to entering a race. Linda Blade, a former top cycling coach, took to Twitter following Johnson’s victory and said that USA Cycling was obligated to refrain from calling the races “women’s events.”

She instead said they were nothing more than “beta-male races.” Notable sports journalist Mark Harris appeared to follow Blade’s lead and said that “the craziness” might finally be addressed once the masses see “an entire podium” that “is filled with” nothing but trans “athletes.”

The recent transgender racing wins in Chicago are not an anomaly. In June, another male-to-female racer won a South Carolina race by five full minutes.

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