Ukraine Attacks Rail Line Connecting Russia and China

( – An alleged attack on a Russian freight train may have been executed by Ukrainian fighters, if Ukrainian military officials and CNN are to be believed. The source in the story is an anonymous insider, so a grain of salt taken with the story is to be advised. He or she is alleging that a recent explosive attack on Russian trains was the work of Ukrainians.

The train was attacked while in a tunnel connecting the Russian cities of Baikal and Amur. It’s one of the major railways connecting China and Russia and is typically how Russia moves its aircraft and diesel fuel imports from China.

This has been the second recent attack on trains in the area according to reporting by Russian outlet Baza, repeated by Business Insider. Unidentified attackers previously attempted to destroy a freight train with 50 cars and 41 fuel tank cars when it entered a tunnel between Itykit and Okusikna, two Russian towns.

Trade between Russia and China has increased dramatically since the start of the war with Western sanctions cutting Russia off from purchases NATO countries. Russia has purchased fuel, equipment, and vehicles from China since beginning its invasion of Ukraine in 2022, according to a report from The Telegraph.

Politico is reporting that Russia has imported $100 million worth of drones over the summer and $225 million worth of ceramics, a component in body armor. If Ukraine were able to disrupt, delay, or disable any of these vital shipping lanes it would heavily restrict Russia’s ability to resupply troops on the front.

Russia has recently been accused of war crimes for executing surrendering Ukrainian soldiers. The grainy footage is difficult to verify as legitimate, but Ukrainian and Russian officials are investigating. The footage first appeared on a Ukrainian Telegram channel called “DeepState,” which regularly issues war news with a positive Ukrainian spin.

The post claimed it came from the front lines outside of Avdiivka, where Ukrainians and Russians have been fighting intensely over the past few weeks.

Ukrainian military representatives have rushed to claim the video is legitimate and accuse Russia of war crimes as a result. Oleksandr Shtupun, a Ukrainian military spokesman, called the video a “glaring confirmation” that Moscow doesn’t play by the rules of war.

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