(IntegrityPress.org) – Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) comes to the assistance of Americans who become disabled after working a sufficient amount and paying a certain quantity of Social Security taxes. Recipients must also apply for SSDI benefits within a certain period after they stop working to secure benefits successfully.
Unfortunately, many SSDI applications end in avoidable failure. Let’s examine some of the main reasons for denials and discuss factors to consider when submitting a claim.
What Are the Work and Income Requirements?
You’ll need to supply detailed income and work history as part of the application requirements for SSDI payments. The Social Security Administration (SSA) uses the term “substantial gainful activity,” or SGA, to define disability. If you can still carry out such activity, the agency doesn’t consider you disabled. If your condition is severe enough that you cannot sustain substantial gainful activity for at least a year, your claim may succeed. You may be able to proceed without meeting this standard if you’re suffering from a short-term, terminal condition.
The SSA defines this limit in terms of monthly income. For blind applicants, SGA is any work that earns above $2,260 per month, while the cutoff is $1,350 for those who are able to see.
What Are the Requirements in Terms of Your Condition?
You must be able to document that your condition is so severe that you cannot participate as required in the workplace. You must also prove you have been trying to address the problem with treatment.
To this end, keep all medical records supporting your claim and evidence of appointments with physicians, physical therapists, counselors, or other healthcare professionals. You should also keep all documents related to prescriptions.
You should note that certain specific factors related to criminal activity may preclude you from receiving benefits. For example, if your disabling injury occurred while you were committing a crime or incarcerated, you may not be eligible for benefits. Imprisonment at the time of the application might also result in a claim rejection.
Seeking Professional Help
The Social Security Disability Insurance application process can be complex, and the stakes are high. Therefore, some people hire professionals to guide them through the process. SSDI representatives work with individuals to complete the required documentation and interact with the SSA on their behalf. Though most people approach claim filing alone, paying for expert assistance is an option if you’re feeling overwhelmed.
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