Marty Dolan Aims to Challenge AOC

( – A former wall street banker has thrown his hat in the ring and announced his decision to run against the progressive leftist Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez for the 14th Congressional District in New York City.

Marty Dolan, aged 66, originally planned to stand in the 16th Congressional District and run against Democrat Rep. Jamaal Bowman, who he recently accused of glorifying a “cop killer” by choosing to honor Joanne Chesimard on the “Wall of Honor” at the middle school where Bowman was employed as Principal. Chesimard, AKA Assata Shakur, was convicted of murder after her 1973 killing of State Trooper Werner Foerster, but managed to break out of jail and flee to Cuba.

Dolan will instead challenge Ocasio-Cortez for the 14th District, home to 700,000 people in the Bronx and Queens areas, who he says have received nothing but “breadcrumbs” from their representative and her “radical policies”. Dolan has positioned himself as standing against radical progressivism, instead saying that he wanted to focus on bringing jobs to the 14th District. He lambasted Ocasio-Cortez’s hostility to Jeff Bezos and plans to bring the Amazon headquarters to Long Island, plans which she worked against, celebrating when they did not come to fruition. Dolan claimed that Ocasio-Cortez’s actions served to prevent job creation that would have directly benefitted her constituents.

Dolan also took aim at Ocasio-Cortez’s pro-immigration position, arguing that the recent influx of 175,000 illegal immigrants to New York City, a so-called “Sanctuary City”, has been a “complete disaster” for the city. He said that locals were “fed up” with the situation and urged them to vote for him in the Democratic Primary on June 25.

Dolan is coming to the race as the underdog, with Ocasio-Cortez in possession of approximately $5.7 million of campaign cash compared to his $58,000. Dolan has highlighted this disparity and suggested that the nearly $6 million could be put to better use in Ocasio-Cortez’s district, rather than sitting in her campaign coffers.

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